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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Are you worried about sending your child to a single-sex school?


Some of the best schools in Herts are just for boys - or just for girls. But not everyone parent is sure that these are the right schools for their child.

 This is one mum's story...

"I was really concerned that my son wouldn't fit into an all boys' school - several of his friends are girls, he doesn't like football much, and I was worried that it might be a bit macho and alienating. However my worries vanished in the first half term. He was more of a lad than I gave him credit for and thrives on challenge and competition - so much so, that he's now one of the best in the year at Maths (he was on the bottom table throughout primary school). The style of teaching suits him - across the board, he knows where he is, and what he has to do to achieve the next level. He has an online homework tracker to help him stay organised. Plus he's motivated by the trips and paint-balling for good conduct and attendance. The headteacher really knows how to get the best out of boys. Despite my initial reservations, I'd totally recommend single-sex schools now."


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