Lanchester Community Free School

School: Lanchester Community Free School
Type: Free
Address: Hempstead Road Watford Hertfordshire WD17 3HD
Telephone: 01923 224160
Age range: 4-11

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Admission rules for Lanchester Community Free School

This is a primary free school. It opened in September 2014. 
Rule 1: Children in public care (children looked after) and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or a special guardianship order);

Rule 2: Medical or social need (a panel will determine whether the evidence provided is sufficiently compelling to meet the requirements for this rule. The evidence will need to relate specifically to Lanchester Community Free School and must clearly demonstrate why it is the only school that can meet the child’s needs);

Rule 3: Sibling on the roll of the school at the time of application i.e. reception through to year 5 (a sibling is defined as a sister/brother, half- sister/brother, or a child of the parent/carer or partner, who lives in the same house, from Monday to Friday, as the child for who the application is being made);

Rule 4: Children of staff
 Rule 5: Nearest school (including community or voluntary controlled schools or other own admitting schools or academies that use Hertfordshire County Council’s admission rules);

Rule 6: Distance (based on straight line distance measurement).
Where parents have shared responsibility for a child/children and live in different homes the distance will be measured from the home where the child lives for the majority of time or, if the time is spent equally between the homes from that which is closest to the school.
The rules are applied in the order printed above. If more children qualify under a particular rule than there are places available, a tiebreak will be used by applying the next rule to those children. Where there is a need for a tiebreaker where two different addresses measure the same distance from the school, in the case of a block of flats, the lower door number will be deemed nearest as logically this will be on the ground floor and therefore closer. If there are two identical distance measurements for different addresses of separate applicants, the tie break will be random allocation and verified independently. 



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