St Paul's C of E Primary School (Langleybury)

School: St Paul's C of E Primary School (Langleybury)
Type: Voluntary_Aided(Faith)
Address: Langleybury Lane Hunton Bridge Kings Langley Hertfordshire WD4 8RJ
Telephone: 01923 263641
Age range: 3-11

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Find out your chances of getting into St Paul's C of E Primary School (Langleybury)

Admission rules for St Paul's C of E Primary School (Langleybury)

This is a voluntary aided mixed-sex primary school.


  1. Children looked after or children who were previously “looked after”

  2. Children who have sibling(s) in the school at the time of entry.

  3. Children whose parents or legal guardian regularly attend St. Paul’s Church.

  4. Children whose parents or legal guardian regularly attend other Church of England Churches.

  5. Children whose parents or legal guardian regularly attend churches of other Christian denominations.

  6. Children from the Ecclesiastical Parish of Langleybury.

  7. Any other children. 

Tiebreaker: In the event of over-subscription in any of the above categories the places in that category will be allocated by measuring distances from your home to the school.


If you want to appeal for St Paul's C of E Primary School (Langleybury) we suggest you buy our School Appeals Guide, and read our school appeal tips.

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