Freman College

School: Freman College
Type: Academy
Address: Bowling Green Lane Buntingford Hertfordshire SG9 9BT
Telephone: 01763 271818
Age range: 13-18

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Admission rules for Freman College

This is an academy mixed-sex secondary school.

This is an upper school that takes children from Year 9. It is the only upper school in Hertfordshire. Specialist status: Humanities. 

Rule 1: Children in public care (looked after) or previously looked after.

Rule 2: Applications from students with a sibling attending the college at the time of application with a reasonable expectation they will be attending at the time of the start of the new academic year.

Rule 3: Applications from students living closest to the college according to the definition of ‘home to school distance’ given in Hertfordshire County Council’s current Determined Schools Admissions Arrangements.

Tiebreaker: In the event that there are more applicants meeting any of the oversubscription criteria above than remaining places available, the tiebreaker described in Hertfordshire County Council’s current Determined Schools Admissions Arrangements will be applied to allocate the remaining places.


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